Food and Drinks
By providing your residents with food and drink, you gain their support
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By providing your residents with food and drink, you gain their support
Last updated
In the "Grain Farm" you produce one of the most essential resources in the game - Wheat.
This building costs 3 Coins.
By producing Wheat, you can lay the foundations of a popular Production Chain, leading to baking Bread. You also need it for making Beer.
Upon reaching Level 7, you can build an additional "Grain Farm".
In this building you convert your Wheat into Flour, used to bake Bread.
This building costs 2 Coins.
Flour is a popular resources, because it enables your to bake Bread. And Bread is used for exchange in the first three "Houses", which are easiest to build, thus helping you earn from the game.
Used to bake Bread, making your villigers happy and satisfied.
Building the "Bakery" costs 4 Coins.
Bread has always been very popular in the game. Often traded in the "Marketplace", it has high demand in the Kingdom, because it is used in the first three, least expensive "Houses", where you can exchange it for Coins, thus helping you earn from the game.
Upon reachin Level 9, you can build an additional Bakery, thus boosting your production.
The "Brawery" enables you to brew Beer, which is a very slow process.
This building costs 2 Coins.
Building a "Brawery" is a strategic investment in the future. Producing Beer is very slow, but one medium-level House requires a certain amount in exchange for a moderate amount of Coins.
Upon reaching Level 7, you can build an additional "Brawery".
The "Fisherman" catches Fish for your kingdom in the nearby lake.
Cost: 4 Coins.
Fish is a straregic resource, used for producing Meals in the Tavern and for exchange to Coins in some of the more advanced Houses.
The Tavern has some of the best kitchens in the kingdom.
Cost: 3 Coins
Producing Meals requires Bread, Meat and Fish. Meals are used in the most advanced Houses and are one of the products, required for the exchange to Coins.